Thank you for booking with us!
Please scroll down below to fill out our check-in form and download your trip documents.

Check-in Form (Mandatory)

**Please fill out this check-in form to help us understand more about
your preferences, health condition, and agreement, and
and attach a photo of your passport information page there for our sailing clearance.

Digital Check-In Form


Meeting Point & Extra Fee Details

Pick-up service
“Sorong Airport to Scuba Republic’s Waisai meeting point”
includes Ferry Ticket VIP seat

Please kindly let us know if you want to reserve this extra service.

The price is $50/person/one way.

Link for payment:

1 pax, one way:

2 pax, one way:


Medical Statement

(only for dive students)

**Please note, that before participating in any dive activities, you are required to fill out a medical statement. If any questions are answered with “yes”, you will need to be cleared to dive by a medical doctor.

Medical statement